Google Analytics just makes me sad

In my last post, I talk about how Google Analytics isn’t very helpful in providing meaningful data about technical or help content. It can’t answer questions like: Did it help the reader? Did they find it interesting? Could they accomplish their task/goal thanks to my content? What do readers really want? You know, simple questions like those.

While a little disappointing, that’s not what makes me sad.

What’s sad is that the charts on the dashboard have all the makings of dysfunctional communication. For example, the dashboard seems to tell me, “You’re not retaining readers over time.” But, it can’t, or it won’t, tell you why.

Awww, come on, gimme a hint?!

Continue reading “Google Analytics just makes me sad”

The answer is Google Analytics—what was the question?

Lately, I’ve seen a collection of blog posts about using Google Analytics for technical or, more generally, informational content that seem to use a formative research method, that goes something like, here’s the data you can collect, now let’s imagine the questions that it might answer. It’s not that this method is not valid, just that it’s one that is usually done at the beginning of a project and it doesn’t scale particularly well. What many technical communicators could use on a daily basis is summative data on how their content is doing on a day-to-day basis.

Can Google Analytics provide useful summative metrics? Sure, but very few that monitor what matters to the reader. Most of them fall into the vanity metrics category for informational content. The reason is that people don’t come to informational sites to read web pages or click links (which is what Google Analytics tracks). They come to accomplish a goal—a goal that is likely not found in your informational web site. Your site, if it is doing its job, is a means to another goal.

So, how can you measure whether a reader accomplished their goal? And, by measure, I mean observe directly and not infer (or imagine) reader behavior.

Continue reading “The answer is Google Analytics—what was the question?”

Still buzzing about StackOverflow documentation

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a technical documentation project get so much attention (be it successful or not). The good news is at least people are talking.

But the talk is still looking at only symptoms. The conversations have been interesting but fall short of the root causes.

The documentation project kick-off post identified these problems with documentation (paraphrased here) that Documentation intended to fix:

  • Documentation is often an afterthought
  • Documentation is lacking in examples
  • Documentation is rarely complete

The kick-off described the problem, fundamentally, as a shortage of documentation and approached the solution by making it easier to add more documentation (articles and examples). Consider each of these points as discussed by some other technical writers. Continue reading “Still buzzing about StackOverflow documentation”

Measuring the value of technical writing

This topic has been discussed in technical writing circles for decades. It’s not so much as a discussion as it is folklore in the form of good advice that’s difficult to apply in practice and it’s been around for a long time—this 1995 article by Ginny Redish, “Adding value as a professional technical communicator[1] lists these ways to measure value:

  1. Outcome measures
  2. Ratings of customer satisfaction
  3. Projections (estimates) of value added
  4. General perceptions of the value of technical communicators’ work

I like how she starts with measuring the value added, because if you can’t measure it, then how do you know you have actually delivered it? Further, if you can’t measure it, how can you show improvement in that—(a) whatever it is, it’s now better and (b) it’s better because of a decision you implemented. That’s a trick question. You can’t. So, how can you measure this? Continue reading “Measuring the value of technical writing”

Learning from v1

Yesterday, I posted some thoughts on the announcement of closing down the StackOverflow Documentation Beta. I tweeted the first question I had after seeing this announcement:

And got a very gracious reply from Jon Ericson, the community manager who posted the announcement. I was impressed and, after reading some of Jon’s other posts related to this announcement, developed the utmost respect and admiration for his candid and open discussion of the project. That takes integrity and dedication at a level to which I can only hope to aspire. I’m feeling a little jealous, but in a motivational way.

Thanks to the transparency of the posts about the project, there is a lot for developers and technical writers to learn, here. Continue reading “Learning from v1”

It’s hard to write good technical docs

StackOverflow’s announcement to end their documentation beta was both disappointing and yet, not surprising. After a valiant attempt to tap into the wisdom of the crowd, StackOverflow discovered that good documentation is hard to write. As someone who’s read, written, and researched software documentation for a few decades (and with a dose of 20/20 hindsight), it was easy to see this coming in the assumptions they made or implied on their tour page and quoted here.

When we reviewed traditional documentation, two things were clear:

  • It had to be based on assumptions It was usually written once, often by someone not even using the technology, so it was a guess at what to focus on.
  • It didn’t prioritize good examples People learn best when they can see things demonstrated in actual code.

Let me break this down… (or you can just jump to my suggestions) Continue reading “It’s hard to write good technical docs”

Still catching up…

Photo of stacks of archived patient files
Archived paper patient files from one of the clinics I visited this summer.

It seems as though I’ve been “catching up” since I started as an assistant professor, and I’m not sure I’ve gotten any better, but I keep trying.

Summer break is just weeks from turning into the Fall semester where I’ll dive into my second year as an Assistant Professor. While I’m looking forward to it, I really need two more months of summer to catch up.

As I get used to academia, I’m finding the term Summer break to be a bit misleading. While it’s a break in the academic year, I’ve been too busy to consider it much of a break. Granted, I’ve been having fun, and it’s nice that work is fun.

Summer started off with a trip to Honduras, where I was able to conduct some site visits and contextual inquiries in how limited-resource health clinics manage their records. After two weeks of visiting five different clinics in Honduras, I came back with enough research to complete a conference paper, start a journal article, apply for a grant, and get an internship for one of our TC students…and that was all before the spring semester had officially ended.

After returning, of course, I had to actually produce the papers for which I’d collected the data and prepare for the conference presentation that I’ll be making next week with two professors from my department at the IEEE ProComm 2017 conference in Madison, WI.

One happy coincidence I had this summer was to meet some super technical writers from the Denver-Boulder (Colorado) area at a Write-the-Docs meetup. As luck would have it, their meeting and my travel managed to coincide last night in Broomfield, CO and I got to meet some of the tech writers that, until last night, only knew through email and the WTD forum.

But, busy is good. I’m looking forward to next week’s conference and, of course, the semester that starts just a few weeks after that.

Audience, Market, Product Webinar

As I get caught up on overdue blog topics, I want to thank (albeit belatedly) the participants of my webinar, last December. Unfortunately, I was very sick on the day of the event (so being remote was probably best for everyone), but I want to thank them for their patience. The feedback they provided after the course will help me refine the presentation.

In the mean time, the slide deck used in the webinar is available  at:

Giving criticism

It’s both easier and harder than you think, but here a few points to make it constructive.

Wait ’til your asked

Sure, you can always offer unsolicited feedback, but by waiting until you’re asked gives you the advantage of knowing what they want and that they are ready to receive it. Someone who hasn’t asked for feedback is probably not ready to hear it.

If, for some reason, you feel compelled to offer unsolicited feedback, make sure that you’re doing it for their benefit and not yours.

Understand the context

Even if you’ve been asked, understand whether someone is asking for feedback or affirmation. I tend to ask this directly, which comes of as abrupt–especially when many people don’t know for sure. A smoother way is to gains some context by asking more about the project to understand their motivations for asking.

Providing a critique when someone is seeking affirmation stings, no matter how kind and constructively you are. At the same time, an affirmation seems shallow when someone is seeking constructive criticism.

Know the goal

“What do you think?” is a common way to ask for feedback. If someone asks you this, ask them to be more specific. To give effective feedback, it helps to know how they plan to use it and how much they can change as a result. The best feedback is something that can be applied.

Be constructive and specific

If you see something that you think could be improved, be specific. It takes more time to consider and articulate, but is much more informative than vague observations and opinions.

Cite your sources

If your feedback is based on research, such as recent customer feedback, survey data, or some other research, cite it! Maybe you read or learned something the presenter hasn’t (or vice versa!).

Feelings come from you

Sometimes, you’ll see something that you can’t articulate. There are two options to take, in that case.

  1. You can wait until you figure it out.
    Sometimes it just takes time to bring your thoughts and feelings together into a coherent sentence. In that case, wait.
  2. Other times expressing how you feel is the whole point of the exercise, but speak for yourself. Unless you’ve surveyed the audience, don’t speak for them. “This makes me feel good.” or “I like how you’ve combined the text with the image.” are perfectly fine. “It looks annoying.” really means that you find it annoying, which might bear pursuing, but it is framed in the sense of “everyone will find it annoying,” which is not the case (unless, you have some research on the subject, in which case, see the previous point on sources).

If done right, providing feedback and criticism can be a win-win interaction.